Pastoral Care

The teaching staff are all concerned for the welfare and progress of the student community.

On arrival at Brentside each student is placed in a tutor group. Efforts are made to put a few children from the same primary school into each tutor group, and where a child is the only one from his/her primary school, he/she is placed with other children who are in a similar situation.

The Form Tutor is responsible for the care of each tutor group.  The Form Tutor is usually the first point of contact if a child or parent has any worries.  The Form Tutor sees the students during tutor time and in assembly.  S/he checks uniform, attendance and punctuality, liaises with subject teachers over progress and behaviour, and works with a Year Leader, who might decide to invite a parent in to discuss a problem or a breach of school discipline, where this is considered helpful.

Form Tutors and Year Leaders are supported in their pastoral work by a dedicated team of SAFE (student and family education) Workers.

All Year 7 and new students in other year groups are tested on arrival at the school, so that strengths and weaknesses can be identified at an early stage.  This information is used to inform teaching and learning.

The academic progress of each student is tracked throughout his/her time at the school.  Test results and grades across the curriculum are studied carefully by staff, and problems are identified and strategies planned to enable all students to achieve their potential.

Form Tutors, SAFE Workers and Year Leaders are always pleased to discuss any aspect of a student's welfare and general progress with parents/carers.  We consider that education can be effective only if it is a partnership between parents/carers, staff and students.

The SAFE Workers and the SAWO (Student Attendance and Welfare Officer) assist the teaching staff in caring for students in the following ways:

  • by monitoring punctuality at the start of the school day
  • by contacting parents if the school has not been informed of the reason for a student's absence
  • by administering First Aid should this be necessary
  • by contacting parents if the teaching staff consider that a child should be sent home
  • by providing a counselling service, where appropriate.

All students in Years 7 to 11 have a school lunch or a packed lunch and are required to remain on the school premises.  In this way we can ensure that our students are safe.

The school facilities meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.