
Welcome to the Governing Body pages of the Brentside High School website

Through these pages we aim to inform you about our role, our membership, and to update you on a termly basis on the work we have been carrying out.

Our governing body is made up of twenty members in total and was reconstituted in February 2015.

The constitution of the group was agreed using guidance from the Department for Education, and is as follows:

  • 7 parent governors
  • 1 Local Authority governor
  • 1 Staff governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 5 Co-opted governors
  • 5 Partnership governors

The Governing Body are expected to appoint new governors who have 'the skills required to contribute to effective governance and success of the school'.

  • Parent governors are nominated and voted for by parents and carers at the school.
  • Local Authority governors are nominated by Ealing Council.
  • Staff governors are nominated and voted for by staff at the school.

Co-opted and Partnership governors are normally chosen from people who live and/or work in the local community.  Prior to appointment they undertake an interview (normally with the Chair and Vice Chair) and once all safeguarding procedures have been carried out, are appointed by a vote from the full Governing Body.

Every governor serves a term of office of four years (although this is not compulsory), We have governors who have served for a longer term who have in-depth knowledge about the school, but the membership of the governing body is constantly evolving, which means we always have governors who bring a different perspective to the group.

Our varied business/work backgrounds mean that the school can utilise our expertise to help solve a range of issues and gain a different perspective on the varied challenges that running a large school can bring. Amongst our current governors we have members with expertise in human resources, health & safety, further and higher education, finance, media and public relations. Additionally some of our governors also give up their time to other voluntary activities which support the community.

For more information about the constitution of the governing bodies, please refer to the document published by the Department for Education: The constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools

What We Do

The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day management of the school and governors are not expected to be involved in the detail of the day to day management of the school.

The governing body is responsible for fulfilling a strategic role and may at any one time be involved in:

  • Reviewing and approving policy documents
  • Approving the school budget and undertaking monitoring throughout the year
  • Carrying out the performance management of the Headteacher
  • Recruitment and selection of staff, including members of the senior leadership team
  • Having procedures in place for handling complaints of a general nature
  • Reviewing the school admissions policy
  • Ensuring the National Curriculum is delivered to all students
  • Discussions relating to premises and infrastructure
  • Approving school trips, having checked necessary risk assessments have taken place 
  • Meeting on a termly basis as the full governing board
  • Meeting as the Student Discipline Committee to review the use of exclusion, and deciding whether or not to confirm any permanent exclusions
  • Reviewing external examination results

This is just a small snapshot of the varied work we undertake throughout the school year.

If you would like to learn more about the work of governing body go to the Department for Education web-site:

Brentside High School has one employee whose gross salary exceeds £100k.

Governing Body Membership

Academic Year 2023/2024

Chair of Governors:
Liz Ball  

Vice Chair of Governors:
Richard Costella


  • Charmaine Jackson (Parent)
  • Barry Scanlan (Parent)
  • Charlotte Hames (Headteacher)
  • Sara Sarpi (Staff)
  • Angela Dodwell (Co-opted)
  • Edmond Yeo (Local Authority)
  • Janine Neye (Partnership)
  • Tanu Kurien (Partnership)
  • Catherine Coady (Partnership)
  • Stephen Macallister (Co-opted)



  • Charlotte Hames
  • Liz Ball

Governor Review Panel (Students)

  • Edmond Yeo (Chair)
  • Liz Ball (Vice Chair)
  • All Governors

Discipline Committee 

  • Liz Ball


Curriculum Committee

  • Janine Neye (Chair)
  • Liz Ball 
  • Tanu Kurien



Finance & General Purposes Committee

  • Richard Costella (Chair)
  • Liz Ball
  • Charlotte Hames (Headteacher)
  • Barry Scanlan
  • Edmond Yeo

You can view our school's financial data and see how it compares with others using the link below.

Brentside High School - Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (

Personnel & Pay Committee

  • Liz Ball
  • Richard Costella

Appeals Committee

To be set up when required

Curriculum Clusters

  • SEN/Child Protection: Richard Costella/Liz Ball
  • Mental Health: Charmaine Jackson
  • English: Janine Neye
  • Maths: 
  • Science: vacancy
  • History: vacancy
  • PE and Healthy Schools: vacancy
  • Geography: Vacancy
  • Modern Foreign Languages: vacancy
  • Music and Drama: Janine Neye
  • RE and PSHCE: vacancy
  • Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance: vacancy
  • 6th Form Link Governor: Charmaine Jackson